Pretty guardian sailor moon episodes
Pretty guardian sailor moon episodes

pretty guardian sailor moon episodes

"We've got a lot of things planned for today Chibi-Usa, but before that, there is someone else who wants to wish you happy birthday." Moving slightly closer he was able to pick up their words. For some reason they were gathered around something that had several tiny fires on it, but none of them seemed worried. She was obscuring his vision of his friend, but he knew she was in there. The green and orange ones were there too! And… was that the girl with the funny hair? She looked different with that crown on her head. Peeking inside he saw the blue and red girl spot him, the pair shooting winks.

pretty guardian sailor moon episodes

Then, as slowly and quietly as he could muster, he raised his head up to the window of the large crystalline building. He swam to the other side of the city and made landfall on the special area they had hastily prepared for him. They asked him to wait and went off, returning hours later with instructions for him to follow. He recognized them from long ago and, judging from the looks on their faces, they remembered him too. Eventually two women came to the bay to see him, one in red and one in blue. When he got there though he noticed some of the people were frightened of him and so refrained from going ashore. And so he had begun his long journey from his secluded island home and swam across the ocean all the way to the glittering city. No matter what, he just had to see her now. He had felt the connection to be as strong as it had been all those years ago on that island. Then one day his courage had flared within him. Perhaps he was afraid of what he might find if he did. But his faith in her was too strong for him to give up now. It wasn't corrupted this time, but it was… it was like she did not know him. And then, after a few years, he felt the connection once more. It had been longer still until he, and everything else, had awoken again, though the world seemed to shine and sparkle much more than he had remembered.

pretty guardian sailor moon episodes

He couldn't exactly count, but he nevertheless knew it had been a long time after she left that the whole world seemed to freeze and slumber. He had not however, reckoned on quite how much time. He knew in his heart it was only a matter of time. Hope that someday, when he was as big as his mother, he might see her again.Īnd so, he hadn't worried when the connection had grown faint again, nor when she vanished completely. But, so long as he believed, he was sure she would always come back. That was when he had finally accepted that this was the nature of his friend. True it had grown faint for maybe a day but then went right back to normal. Or he had, right up until the link flared back to life, stronger than ever this time. His mother hadn't let him try to find her. That hadn't lasted thankfully, but no sooner had it gone back to normal had the bond had been lost again, this time for much longer. Looking back the word that came to his mind was 'corrupted'.


He was too young back then to know how to describe it. But then the connection had come back and he'd been so happy.

pretty guardian sailor moon episodes

His mother had tried to comfort him but he had wailed and wanted to go find her, to help her as she had helped him. That was why he had wept when the tether had snapped. He didn't pretend he could understand the link he was just happy to always sense it in his mind, an invisible tether connecting him to his pink haired friend. That day was forever etched on his memory and had forged a link between them. She had saved him from the water and the others had saved him from the fire of that volcano. Thanks to her, and her friends in the pretty colours, he'd had the chance to grow up. Now though, he was so big that the sharks were scared of him. He'd have been devoured back then if not for… her. That hadn't been the case all those centuries ago when he had gotten lost. But he was strong enough to work against it.

Pretty guardian sailor moon episodes